Friday, April 5, 2013


Where Have You Gone, Charming Billy?

Both Monosyllabic and Polysyllabic, casual, and abstract; connotative words are "laughing" "charming" "heart attack."

Private First Class Paul Berlin an enlisted army member during the Vietnam War can't stop laughing about the death of Billy Boy.


Title-"Where Have You Gone, Charming Billy"- Ironic title because of how Paul laughing at Billy's death
Dictionary Definition of "charming" - 1. a power of pleasing or attracting, as through personality or beauty. 2. to be fascinating or pleasing.
Connotation of "charming" - attractive, appealing; using appeal on others

Other Details: Laughing about Billy's death, and Paul thinking about what Billy's family would react to Billy's death; Billy's heart attack being seen as weak to the other soldiers.
"He (Paul)  imagined Billy's father opening the telegram: SORRY TO INFORM YOU THAT YOUR SON BILLY BOY WAS YESTERDAY SCARED TO DEATH... He (Paul) giggled again.

Sentence Structure

Short to medium sentences with lots of dialogue and thought


Vietnam, during the Vietnam War (1964 to 1973)

Point of View

3rd Person Limited


Private First Class Paul Berlin


Paul-vs-Can't stop laughing/being afraid; the war that's going on


Paul keeps laughing about Billy Boy; how Billy Boy died

Life is harsh, but people try to think of the better things to cover the horrors.

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