Wednesday, April 17, 2013


TPFASTT of Please Hear What I'm Not Saying
Title: you're trying to show what you were hiding
Don't be deceived by me.
Don't be deceived by the face I show
Because I wear many masks
But none are me.
Pretending is easy to me,
But don't be deceived,
For God's sake don't be deceived.
You think that I am fine,
That everything is fine with me, as well
As without,
That I am confident and cool,
That everything's fine and I'm in command
And that I don't need anyone,
But don't believe me.
The surface may seem fine but my surface is my mask,
Varying and concealing.
Beneath is no satisfaction.
Beneath has confusion, and fear, and aloneness.
But I hide this. I don't want anybody to know it.
I panic at the thought of my weakness being shown.
That's why I hurriedly create a mask to hide behind,
A careless sophisticated facade,
To help me pretend,
To protect me from the glance that knows.
But such a glance is exactly my salvation, my only hope,
And I know it.
That is, if it's followed by my approval,
If it's followed by love.
It's the only thing that can detach me from myself,
From my own self-built prison walls,
From the barriers I so carefully construct.
It's the only thing that will comfort me,
Of what I can't comfort myself,
That I am truly worth something.
But I don't dare tell you this. I don't dare to, I'm scared to.
I'm scared your glance won't be followed by approval,
It won't be followed by your love,
I'm afraid you'll think less of me,
That you'll laugh, and your laugh would kill me.
I'm afraid that deep-down I'm nothing
And that you'll see this and deny me.
So I play my game, my risky fake game,
With a facade of support without
And a scared child within.
So begins the shining but empty parade of masks,
And my life becomes a front.
I vacantly chatter to you in the bland tones of surface talk.
I really tell you nothing,
And nothing of what's everything,
Of what's crying within me.
So when I'm going through my routine
Don't be fooled by what I'm saying.
Please listen carefully and try hearing what I'm not saying,
What I'd like to say,
What I need to say for survival,
But what I can't say.
I don't like hiding.
I don't like playing empty fake games.
I want to stop playing.
I want to be genuine and spontaneous and me
But you have to help me.
You've got to hold out your hand
Even when that's the last thing I want.
Only you can disappear from my eyes
The blank stare of breathing dead.
Only you can bring me to life.
Each time you are kind, and gentle, and encouraging,
Each time you try to understand because you care,
My heart grows wings--
Tiny wings,
Very feeble wings,
But wings!
With your power to make me alive
You can breathe life into me.
I wan you to know that.
I want you to know how important you are to me,
How you can be a creator-- an honest-to-God creator--
Of me
If you choose to.
You alone can crumble the wall behind which I tremble,
You alone can take my mask,
You alone can release me from my lonely-world of panic,
From my lonesome ness,
If you choose to.
Please do.
Don't pass me by.
It won't be easy for you.
A long principle of worthlessness builds strong walls.
The closer you approach me
The blinder i may strike back.
It's irrational, but despite what the books say
I am often irrational.
I fight against the very thing I cry out for.
But I am told that love is very strong
And that is where my hope lies.
Please try to crumble the walls
Be firm but have gentle hands
For a child is very sensitive.
Who am I, you wonder?
I am someone you know well.
For I am every man you meet
And I am every woman you meet.
Figurative Language:
Symbol- strong walls
Overstatement- my lonely world of panic
Allusion- God
Sound Devices-
Repetition- you alone can, don't be
The speaker is wants the reader to just listen to he/she
Title: the title is saying that the speaker wants to take of the mask but is also scared to at the same time
Theme: Many of us pretend to be something we are not or fake it to please someone or impress some one else. We may be scared to be who we are in case we are not liked or loved or appreciated for being ourself.

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